What to said.........speechless?? no......
Is this show nice?? My babes wanted to watch this so they plan i follow^^
Tell u the truth the movie not bad!!!!
enjoy it........heard "somebody" sing along to^^ weird right?! when ever Hannah sing she sing!!!
lucky i seat far from her....but i am very amaze for what she did!!
here is some pic before we reach sunway pyramid!!
at the bus stop^^

don know what is this also!! they bring me a long take pic then conteng conteng......
hahaha first time !!!
(sorry yeah actually a lot of picture wan but..........
all whit my friend lazy to take!! show abit only la~)
after taking picture n conteng!! we decided to go makan at Gasoline...
{( to the gasoline restaurant bos: clever yeah!! the place not bright enough!! save electric bills^^
seat on floor!!! clever betul!! )}
balik lu~ like i said we like 2 take pic!!! waiting at bus stop again^^
the bus like!!!!! waaah crowded gila~~

sorry I update a bit only la~ wan more detail check cyen, hui ying or bling blog!!!
and 1 thing for all guys sake........
p/s: sunway pyramid girls toilet must be build smaller.....
put less mirrorss n don clean the tolet so nice^^
Why ??!! cause the "GIRL" like to take picture at the toilet and all the guy have to wait outside
kelian them only!!! for me neverymind la~ they only go to the toilet less then 4 times n spent less then 30 minute^^ "other" have to wait longer.........hahaha so sunway pyramid boss take notice!! ahahaha
The END^^