Finally free^^
fuyooh~let see Copa Iba just ended !!
Ladies n Gentleman the result is.......................................................................................
(drum roll)...................................... we LOSE^^~

we manage to win some round, but then still lose to Bandar Sunway n Bangsar "again"
but is ok....I have a great team this year, have some fellowship n enjoy playing~
a bit sad at the beginning but i realize is just a game^^ playing as a team n we laugh , nervous reaction, having fun, enjoying together as a team~

best part of this Copa Iba as i realize....
it help me to bring back some memories...
that place is the place I met HER back..
since form 3 i started to play n looking back at the picture make me see that i change a lot...inside n outside!!! thru this Copa Iba i get to know my friends more n more~
the picture i see make me see the improvement I have done~ glad to know i did it~

This year din win so have to work hard for next year^^
p/s: Sorry if i did something wrong!!
I wish i can be better~