CG outing to Sungai Pisang Waterfall
20 people that came!!
It is raining..but stop when we reach!!
Rain cant stop us!!
here we begin..

Before we begin our adventured, have some briefing from our Cg leader Isaac chee^^
20 people that come on that day!! and this is how we start our journey...

We begin the adventure by giving responsibillty by apoint the guy in charge of something...
ME : I have to make sure there is 20 people in the group all the way!!
and to protect them from any obstacle that we face during the way to the waterfall!!
Make sure no body is lost n keeping a eye on the girls!! haha~
(I been to this waterfall before and have experience at the jungle so, I have a big responsibillty to take care of everyone^^)
We start by crossing this strong stream!!
and this is the most hard part of our journey to the waterfall^^
Waste quite some time here at this stream...n kena "flush" away once n get injured^^
after that we cross thru many obstacle....
don know how to express it out the adventured we face thru..
just look at the picture below^^

hahaha~ (just follow the light)^^
Looking at the view of the waterfall!! cun CUN cun man!!

waah~everyone is so excited

every one is like over excited so nobody will realize their picture been taken^^
this is what we get for playing untill very high!!

the food that we "susah payah" bring to the waterfall ofcause la taste very nice^^
all thanks to Sarah , Lee Xiang and Choy yeu !!
without them we don have food to have picnic!!

Why?! biasa la jungle banyak leech mah!!
Victim that kena suck from leech say:...
Cyen: Leech very hamsap!!
Gary: yerr...why leech so hamsap!!
Aaron: Leech !!so nice help me suck all my fatss away!!
n much much comment on leech....
Group Pic

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