2 of JULY

The Lips of Glory...
for it make me feel motivated to work harded..
for it fire up my spirit at the very end..
for the TEAM , I bleed to lead ..
for the TEAM , I bleed to lead ..
for This is OUR GENERATION for success..
For it show how strong am I..

4 years !!! 4 years
4 years of hardship..
4 years of hardship..
4 years of failure..
4years of PAIN ..
4 years of training..
4 years of trying..
4 years and finally achieve it..

Many injuries happen / occur..trying so hard each year, failing yet get up and try again. Always assume HEIGHT is everything, I don't have it !! and yet I still manage to overcome many other JUMPER. I use to think HEIGHT make an influence , and yes it sure DO.

Working as a team, building up friendship is what I try to do all this while, I understand each and every shooting matted , but yet I don't understand YOU ! That day was the very day, I give out my everything. Yes I m nervous about it, I m scared about it, but I overcome it with the TEAM. I use to believe Winning is everything but now I realize , the medal is not the most precious gift I receive but the WHOLE experience is the true GIFT.

Only feel comfortable with you all during the game's but I don't feel you when ever we STOP !!! Must Keep in touch!! There's an act of DRAMA, which I been fooled ! Blinded for what Is in front, Looking for things that I can't achieve . I won yet, there is this inner emotion that keep me a part. Congrazt from a stranger that make me smile but I prefer to hear it from YOU sincerely ! THERE IS NO FEELING AT ALL~

BE 4 and after!!
Say what you meant , Meant what you say!!
I manage to bring you guys this far but the rest of the journey is your own choice!

from SAGC

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